Remote time-based appointments at Kallio Terveys – service description

Kallio Terveys also offers time-based remote appointments in general medicine. Please note that examining the patient at the reception is often the key to good care. Telemedicine is not the best solution if the patient needs to be examined on-site. Below is a list of different topics for the services offered at remote appointments.

Remote appointments are billed based on how much time is spent on remote reception, recording, possible calls, and writing certificates. If, for example, the patient books a 20-minute remote appointment that is all spent investigating the matter and an extra 10 minutes is spent writing patient records, the patient will be billed for 30 minutes. The pricing plan for time-based remote appointments is here.

Kallio Terveys does not:

  • prescribe drugs that mainly act on the central nervous system or may be intoxicating
  • write doctor’s notes or medical certificates, which require either an examination of the patient or extensive familiarity with the patient’s previous medical records (e.g., driving license certificates or statements about the suitability for conscript service)
  • treat hypothyroidism with other drugs than laevothyroxine products with marketing authorisation
  • prescribe sex hormones, DHEA, or low-dose naltrexone
  • provide treatment for mental disorders or addiction disorders

What issues are suitable for remote appointments?